Saturday, February 5, 2011

Letter To Parents From The Hump

I found a box of letters Daddy wrote to his parents while going through things in my mother's attic.  The letter to the left is dated Sunday, December 17, 1944 from Assan, India.  He is 24 years-old at this point.  The letter reads:
Dear Mom & all,
Since the mail system is all jumbled up again, I've gotten three letters from you in the past three days.  Nov. 21st, 28th and Dec. 5th!  Didn't get to go to church this morning since I had to fly!  I usually can get one of the boys who doesn't go to church to take my flight, but they all wanted to go this morning so I flew!  Haven't been having any trouble lately, so I guess the Lord is looking out for me!  Sorry to hear Dunk (his brother, Donald, who was also serving in World War II) didn't get to spend all of his leave at home!  They probably called him back and he sat around Charlotte for two weeks afterwards.  That's what usually happens!  Guess Lin (his brother, Lindsey, who was also serving in World War II) has pulled out by now too.  Hope Hank (his brother, who was in medical school) can make it home by Christmas so one of the four will be there!  Don't think I'll be there.  Little too far for a weekend.  When I head back that way I want it permanent.  Home never looks so good until you get away from it!  How's the cook on cinnamon bread?  My mouth waters every time I think about it and good fresh butter.  Think I could go for a big glass of sweet milk too!

(Page 2) I'll probably spend all my money on food when I get back.  Ice cream, steaks, oysters, shrimp, etc...Pardon me I just drooled all over the paper!  Haven't seen anything of the Xmas boxes as yet.  Got the notebook O.K.  Thanks alot.  Also the nosedrops O.K.  Got rid of my last cold in four days!  Had a Xmas card from Mrs. Conrad today.  She sure is one swell person.  How about sending her something for me for Xmas?  It'll be late, but better than never.  Table mats or something.  You know what women like!  Frieda (Patterson Spangle, a nurse from his hometown of Thomasville who was also stationed in India at the time) called up last week and wanted me to come up to a Xmas party.  Doesn't know the date yet, but wants me to come.  Don't know whether I can make it or not, but I'm going to to try.  Haven't seen Bill Parker or Johnny Craig.  My old C.O. (commanding officer) made Lt. Col., the other day.  He's stationed over in Burma.  Better close and take a shower.  Give my love to everyone and tell Granny to behave!  -Bill

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